Log homes are often seen as a cozy and charming choice for those who love the rustic appeal of natural wood. However, when it comes to settling and the supposed risks associated with log home construction, there are misconceptions that need debunking. While log homes are undoubtedly unique, building with logs requires proper planning and knowledge to ensure a durable and long-lasting foundation.
Logs don’t always settle – the key is in the seasoning!
Do log homes encounter settling? Yes and no. The idea that a log home needs to settle is a common myth that persist within the world of log home construction. While it is true that logs will initially shift and settle, this actual process is referred to as seasoning, not settling. Logs are susceptible to moisture, and as they dry out, they will naturally adjust and shift slightly. However, the crucial thing to remember is that not all logs will settle to the same degree, and some logs may not settle at all. So, if you’re thinking about building a log home, don’t believe the hype about settling! The key to a sound structure is proper seasoning, which involves sawing, kiln-drying or air-drying, and stripping logs of their bark. Once these steps are taken, your logs will form a sound, stable foundation that will not shift or settle, giving you a sturdy, long-lasting home that will stand the test of time.
Logs need more than a coat of paint – the right stain and protection is essential.
Do log homes encounter settling? Yes, they do, but don’t believe the myths that suggest this will result in a total structural failure. What is more important to know is that logs need more than just a coat of paint. The right stain and protection are essential to ensure the longevity of your log home. It’s like giving your skin a proper care routine – just like how you use sunscreen or moisturizer to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays or dryness, logs also need the best care to maintain their integrity. A coat of paint may look nice but it won’t necessarily protect the logs from harsh weather conditions, insects or rot. In fact, painting logs may trap moisture and prevent proper ventilation, leading to further damage in the long run. A well-protected log home not only looks great but also adds to the overall value of your property. So, when it comes to logs and settling, don’t believe the myths but do invest in quality care for your log home.